- class modifinder.classes.Spectrum(incoming_data=None, normalize_peaks=True, **kwargs)[source]
A class to represent a spectrum.
- Parameters:
mz (list) – A list of m/z values.
intensity (list) – A list of intensity values.
precursor_mz (float) – The precursor m/z value.
precursor_charge (int) – The precursor charge.
adduct (str) – The adduct.
adduct_mass (float) – The adduct mass.
ms_level (int) – The ms level, default is 2.
instrument (str, optional) – The instrument used.
ms_mass_analyzer (str, optional) – The mass analyzer used.
ms_dissociation_method (str, optional) – The dissociation method used.
spectrum_id (str, optional) – The spectrum id. if not provided, it will be generated.
peak_fragments_map (dict, optional) – A dictionary mapping peaks to fragments
- __init__(incoming_data=None, normalize_peaks=True, **kwargs)[source]
Constructor for the Spectrum class.
the spectrum class can be initialized with a dictionary of data or with the individual values.
- Parameters:
incoming_data (Input data (optional, default is None).) – The data to initialize the Spectrum object. The data can be a dictionary, a usi, or a Spectrum object.
normalize_peaks (bool, default is True.) – If True, the intensity of the peaks will be normalized at initialization.
([peaks, peaks_json, mz, intensity, ...])Update the Spectrum object with the given values.
()Clear the Spectrum object.
([change_self])l2 Normalize the intensity of the Spectrum object.
([ratio_to_base_peak, ...])Remove peaks with intensity lower than a given ratio to the base peak.
([k, change_self])Keep only the top k peaks in the Spectrum object.