- class modifinder.classes.EdgeDetail.EdgeDetail(number_of_modifications: int = -1, match_score: float = 0, matches: List[Match] | None = None, start_spectrum_id: str | None = None, end_spectrum_id: str | None = None)[source]
Class for Edge Details
- Parameters:
number_of_modifications (int) – Number of modifications, -1 for unknown
match_score (float) – Match score, how well the two spectra match
matches (List[Match]) – List of matches, each match is a tuple of two peak indices and the match type. It is important to note that match has directionality. The first peak index is from the first node of the edge and the second peak index is from the second node of the edge.
- __init__(number_of_modifications: int = -1, match_score: float = 0, matches: List[Match] | None = None, start_spectrum_id: str | None = None, end_spectrum_id: str | None = None)[source]
Initialize the EdgeDetail object.
- Parameters:
number_of_modifications (int) – Number of modifications, -1 for unknown
match_score (float) – Match score, how well the two spectra match
matches (List[Match]) – List of matches, each match is a tuple of two peak indices and the match type. It is important to note that match has directionality. The first peak index is from the first node of the edge and the second peak index is from the second node of the edge.
([number_of_modifications, ...])Initialize the EdgeDetail object.
()Create a copy of the EdgeDetail object
Get the matches as a list of tuples
Get the metadata of the EdgeDetail
(match_type)Get the matches of a specific type
Reverse the matches order in the EdgeDetail object