Source code for modifinder.utilities.visualizer

GNPS Utils - Visualizer Module

This module provides functionality to visualize data from GNPS.

Author: Shahneh

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, Descriptors, rdFMCS
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from modifinder.convert import to_spectrum
from import *
from modifinder.utilities.gnps_types import *
from modifinder.utilities.general_utils import *
import modifinder.utilities.mol_utils as mu
from modifinder.engines.alignment.CosineAlignmentEngine import _cosine_fast
# import modifinder.utilities.spectra_utils as su
# from modifinder.alignment import _cosine_fast
import io
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont, Image
from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionPatch
import os
from io import BytesIO
import re

[docs]def draw_molecule(mol, output_type='png', font_size = None, label=None, label_font_size = 20, label_color = (0,0,0), label_position = 'top', **kwargs): """ Draw a molecule using RDKit Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit molecule or str rdkit molecule or str for SMILES or InChI or GNPS identifier (USI or Accession) output_type : str type of output (png or svg) font_size : int, optional (default=None) font size for the labels label : str, optional (default=None) label for the molecule label_font_size : int, optional (default=20) font size for the label label_color : tuple, optional (default=(0,0,0)) color of the label label_position : str, optional (default='top') position of the label (top or bottom) kwargs : dict additional arguments for drawing the molecule in rdkit like highlightAtoms, highlightAtomColors, highlightBonds, highlightBondColors, highlightAtomRadii, etc. Returns ------- img : numpy array or str image of the molecule Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = mf_vis.draw_molecule('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C', output_type='png', label="Caffeine") plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_molecule1.png :width: 300px .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from rdkit import Chem def mol_with_atom_index(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(atom.GetIdx()) return mol mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C') mol = mol_with_atom_index(mol) highlightAtoms = {1, 3, 11, 8} img = mf_vis.draw_molecule(mol, output_type='png', label="Caffeine", highlightAtoms=highlightAtoms) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_molecule2.png :width: 300px """ # TODO: test svg molecule = mu._get_molecule(mol) if molecule is None: raise ValueError("Molecule not found") if type(output_type) != str: raise ValueError("Output type should be a string") output_type = output_type.lower() if output_type not in ["png", "svg"]: raise ValueError("Output type should be either png or svg") # if size is not provided, use default size x_dim, y_dim = kwargs.get("size", (400, 400)) x_dim = kwargs.get("x_dim", x_dim) y_dim = kwargs.get("y_dim", y_dim) if font_size is None: font_size = x_dim // 20 extra_info = kwargs.get("extra_info", {}) draw_kwargs = {} for key in ['highlightAtoms', 'highlightAtomColors', 'highlightBonds', 'highlightBondColors', 'highlightAtomRadii']: if key in kwargs: draw_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] if isinstance(draw_kwargs[key], int) or isinstance(draw_kwargs[key], float): draw_kwargs[key] = [int(draw_kwargs[key])] if output_type == "png": d2d = Draw.MolDraw2DCairo(x_dim, y_dim) d2d.drawOptions().minFontSize = font_size d2d.drawOptions().maxFontSize = font_size if "annotation_scale" in extra_info: d2d.drawOptions().annotationFontScale = extra_info["annotation_scale"] d2d.DrawMolecule(molecule, **draw_kwargs) d2d.FinishDrawing() png = d2d.GetDrawingText() img = mpimg.imread(io.BytesIO(png)) if label: img = Image.fromarray((img*255).astype(np.uint8)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) path_of_this_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(path_of_this_file, "fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf"), label_font_size) if label_position == 'top': draw.text((x_dim//2, 0), label, label_color, font=font, anchor="mt") else: draw.text((x_dim//2, y_dim), label, label_color, font=font, anchor="mb") img = np.array(img) if "show_legend" in extra_info and extra_info["show_legend"]: legend = _generate_heatmap_legend(img, extra_info["scores"], kwargs["highlightAtomColors"], x_dim, y_dim, extra_info["legend_width"], extra_info["legend_font"], output_type) img = _overlay_legend(img, legend, (0, y_dim-extra_info["legend_width"]-10), output_type) return img else: d2d = Chem.Draw.MolDraw2DSVG(x_dim, y_dim) d2d.SetFontSize(font_size) if "annotation_scale" in extra_info: d2d.drawOptions().annotationFontScale = extra_info["annotation_scale"] d2d.DrawMolecule(molecule, **draw_kwargs) d2d.FinishDrawing() svg = d2d.GetDrawingText() if "show_legend" in extra_info and extra_info["show_legend"]: legend = _generate_heatmap_legend(svg, extra_info["scores"], kwargs["highlightAtomColors"], x_dim, y_dim, extra_info["legend_width"], extra_info["legend_font"], output_type) svg = _overlay_legend(svg, legend, (0, y_dim-extra_info["legend_width"]-10), output_type) return svg
[docs]def draw_modifications(mol1, mol2, output_type='png', show_legend = True, legend_font = 15, legend_position = None, highlight_common = True, highlight_added = True, highlight_removed=True, modification_only = False, **kwargs): """ Draw the modifications from molecule 1 to molecule 2 Parameters ---------- mol1 : rdkit molecule, str rdkit molecule or str for SMILES or InChI or GNPS identifier (USI or Accession) mol2 : rdkit molecule rdkit molecule or str for SMILES or InChI or GNPS identifier (USI or Accession) output_type : str, optional (default='png') type of output (png or svg) show_legend : bool, optional (default=True) show the legend or not legend_font : int, optional (default=15) font size of the legend legend_position : tuple, optional (default=None) position of the legend highlight_common : bool, optional (default=True) highlight the common atoms highlight_added : bool, optional (default=True) highlight the added atoms highlight_removed : bool, optional (default=True) highlight the removed atoms modification_only : bool, optional (default=False) only highlight the modification edges, if highlight_removed or highlight_added is False, this will only show the enabled ones Returns ------- img : numpy array or str image of the modification Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from rdkit import Chem smiles1, smiles2 = 'N[C@@H](CCC(=O)N[C@@H](CS)C(=O)NCC(O)=O)C(O)=O', 'CCCCCCSCC(CNCC(=O)O)NC(=O)CCC(C(=O)O)N' mol1 = mf_vis.draw_molecule(smiles1, label="mol1") mol2 = mf_vis.draw_molecule(smiles2, label="mol2") modification = mf_vis.draw_modifications(smiles1, smiles2, label="modifications") fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) ax[0].imshow(mol1) ax[1].imshow(mol2) ax[2].imshow(modification) for a in ax: a.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_modifications.png """ mol1, mol2 = mu._get_molecules(mol1, mol2) result = mu.get_transition(mol1, mol2) highlight_color_removed = (0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2) highlight_color_removed_dark = (1, 0.1, 0, 0.8) highlight_color_added = (0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.2) highlight_color_added_dark = (0, 0.7, 0.2, 0.7) highlight_color_common = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2) highlight_atoms = [] highlight_bonds = [] highlight_atoms_colors = dict() highlight_bonds_colors = dict() if modification_only: highlight_common = False if highlight_common: for atom in result['common_atoms']: highlight_atoms.append(atom) highlight_atoms_colors[atom] = highlight_color_common if highlight_added: for atom in result['added_atoms']: highlight_atoms.append(atom) highlight_atoms_colors[atom] = highlight_color_added if highlight_removed: for atom in result['removed_atoms']: highlight_atoms.append(atom) highlight_atoms_colors[atom] = highlight_color_removed modification_added_edges = result['modified_added_edges_bridge'] + result['modified_added_edges_inside'] modification_removed_edges = result['modified_removed_edges_bridge'] + result['modified_removed_edges_inside'] for bondIdx in range(result['merged_mol'].GetNumBonds()): bond = result['merged_mol'].GetBondWithIdx(bondIdx) pair1 = (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()) pair2 = (bond.GetEndAtomIdx(), bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()) if highlight_common: if pair1 in result['common_bonds'] or pair2 in result['common_bonds']: highlight_bonds_colors[bondIdx] = highlight_color_common highlight_bonds.append(bondIdx) if highlight_added: if pair1 in modification_added_edges or pair2 in modification_added_edges: highlight_bonds_colors[bondIdx] = highlight_color_added_dark highlight_bonds.append(bondIdx) elif (not modification_only) and (pair1 in result['added_edges'] or pair2 in result['added_edges']): highlight_bonds_colors[bondIdx] = highlight_color_added highlight_bonds.append(bondIdx) if highlight_removed: if pair1 in modification_removed_edges or pair2 in modification_removed_edges: highlight_bonds_colors[bondIdx] = highlight_color_removed_dark highlight_bonds.append(bondIdx) elif (not modification_only) and (pair1 in result['removed_edges'] or pair2 in result['removed_edges']): highlight_bonds_colors[bondIdx] = highlight_color_removed highlight_bonds.append(bondIdx) img = draw_molecule(result['merged_mol'], highlightAtoms=highlight_atoms, highlightAtomColors=highlight_atoms_colors, highlightBonds=highlight_bonds, highlightBondColors=highlight_bonds_colors, output_type=output_type, **kwargs) if show_legend: legend = _generate_modification_legend(legend_font, output_type, **kwargs) img = _overlay_legend(img, legend, legend_position, output_type) return img
[docs]def draw_molecule_heatmap(mol, scores, output_type='png', show_labels = False, shrink_labels = False, annotation_scale = 1, show_legend = True, legend_width = 50, legend_font = 40, **kwargs): """ Draw a molecule and color the atoms based on the scores Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit molecule Molecule to Draw the heatmap for scores : list list of scores for each atom (the order should be the same as the order of atoms in the molecule) output_type : str, optional (default='png') type of output (png or svg) show_labels : bool, optional (default=False) add labels to the atoms shrink_labels : bool, optional (default=False) shrink the labels to more compact form annotation_scale : float, optional (default=1) size of the labels (font size) show_legend : bool, optional (default=True) show the legend or not legend_width : int, optional (default=50) width of the legend in pixels legend_font : int, optional (default=40) font size of the legend Returns ------- img : numpy array or str Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C') scores = np.random.rand(mol.GetNumAtoms()) img = mf_vis.draw_molecule_heatmap(mol, scores, label="Caffeine", show_labels=True, legend_font=20) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_molecule_heatmap.png :width: 300px """ #TODO: test svg molecule = mu._get_molecule(mol) if type(molecule) == str or molecule is None: raise ValueError("Molecule not found") # get copy of the molecule mol = Chem.Mol(molecule) if min(scores) < 0: scores = [x + abs(min(scores)) for x in scores] if max(scores) > 0: vals = [x/max(scores) for x in scores] else: vals = [0 for x in scores] colors = dict() for i in range(0, mol.GetNumAtoms()): colors[i] = _get_heat_map_colors(vals[i]) if show_labels: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): lbl = str(round(scores[atom.GetIdx()], 2)) if shrink_labels: if scores[atom.GetIdx()] == 0: lbl = "" else: lbl = str(int(round(scores[atom.GetIdx()], 2)*100)) atom.SetProp('atomNote',lbl) # # set the colors in kwargs kwargs['highlightAtoms'] = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) kwargs['highlightAtomColors'] = colors kwargs['highlightBonds'] = [] kwargs['extra_info'] = {} kwargs['extra_info']['annotation_scale'] = annotation_scale kwargs['extra_info']['output_type'] = output_type kwargs['extra_info']['show_legend'] = show_legend kwargs['extra_info']['legend_width'] = legend_width kwargs['extra_info']['legend_font'] = legend_font kwargs['extra_info']['scores'] = scores # draw the molecule img = draw_molecule(mol, output_type=output_type, **kwargs) return img
[docs]def draw_spectrum(spectrum, output_type='png', normalize_peaks = False, colors: dict = {}, flipped = False, size = None, show_x_label = False, show_y_label = False, font_size = None, bar_width = 3, x_lim = None, dpi = 300, **kwargs): """ Draw a spectrum Parameters ---------- spectrum : Spectrum or list of tuples or USI or Accession Spectrum to draw output_type : str, optional (default='png') type of output (png or svg) normalize_peaks : bool, optional (default=False) normalize the peaks or not colors : dict, optional (default={}) dictionary of colors for the peaks, keys are the indices of the peaks, if value is a list, the first value is the color of top half and the second value is the color of the bottom half. flipped : bool, optional (default=False) flip the spectrum or not size : tuple, optional (default=None) size of the figure show_x_label : bool, optional (default=False) show x label or not show_y_label : bool, optional (default=False) show y label or not font_size : int, optional (default=None) font size of the labels bar_width : int, optional (default=3) width of the spectrum bars x_lim : tuple, optional (default=None) x limit of the figure dpi : int, optional (default=300) dpi of the stored image kwargs : dict additional arguments for drawing the spectrum in matplotlib Returns ------- img : numpy array or str Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np mz = [100, 200, 270, 400, 450] intensity = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3] colors = { 0: 'red', 1: ['blue', 'green'], 3: '#FFA500', 4: (0.9,0.9,0.2) } img = mf_vis.draw_spectrum(list(zip(mz, intensity)), output_type='png', show_x_label=True, show_y_label=True, colors=colors) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_spectrum.png :width: 300px """ spectrum = to_spectrum(spectrum, **kwargs) if normalize_peaks: spectrum.normalize_peaks() # if output type is ax, use the ax to draw the spectrum if isinstance(output_type, plt.Axes): ax = output_type else: if size is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) if normalize_peaks: ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_yticks(list(np.arange(0, 1.001, 0.2))) if font_size is not None: plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': font_size}) for i in range(len( mz =[i] intensity = spectrum.intensity[i] color = colors.get(i, 'gray') if isinstance(color, list): if color[0] is None: color[0] = 'gray' if color[1] is None: color[1] = 'gray', intensity/2, color=color[0], width=bar_width, bottom=intensity/2), intensity/2, color=color[1], width=bar_width) else:, intensity, color=color, width=bar_width) if show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel("m/z") if show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel("Intensity") ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) if flipped: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(x_lim) if output_type == "png": alignment_bytes = BytesIO() fig.patch.set_alpha(0) # Set the figure patch alpha to 0 (fully transparent) fig.savefig(alignment_bytes, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True, dpi=dpi) plt.close(fig) # convert the image to numpy array img = mpimg.imread(alignment_bytes) return img elif output_type == "svg": fig.patch.set_alpha(0) fig.canvas.draw() buffer = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buffer, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True) svg ='utf-8') plt.close(fig) return svg elif output_type == "ax": return ax
[docs]def draw_alignment(spectrums, matches = None, output_type='png', normalize_peaks = False, size = None, dpi=300, draw_mapping_lines = True, ppm=40, x_lim=None, **kwargs): """ Draw the alignment of multiple spectrums Parameters ---------- spectrums : list of SpectrumTuple or list of list of tuples (mz, intensity) list of spectrums to draw matches : list of list of tuples or list of tuples, optional (default=None) matching between the spectrums output_type : str, optional (default='png') type of output (png or svg) normalize_peaks : bool, optional (default=False) normalize the peaks or not size : tuple, optional (default=None) size of the figure dpi : int, optional (default=300) dpi of the stored image draw_mapping_lines : bool, optional (default=True) draw the mapping lines ppm : float, optional (default=40) ppm value for the alignment x_lim : tuple, optional (default=None) x limit of the figure kwargs : dict additional arguments for drawing the spectrum in matplotlib Returns ------- img : numpy array or str Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np peaks1 = list(zip([100, 200, 270, 400, 450], [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3])) peaks2 = list(zip([100, 230, 350, 360, 430], [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5])) peaks3 = list(zip([120, 230, 300, 380, 550], [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3])) matches = [[(0, 0), (1, 1), (3, 4)], [(0, 0), (1, 1), (3, 3)]] img = mf_vis.draw_alignment([peaks1, peaks2, peaks3], matches=matches, output_type='png', normalize_peaks=True, x_lim=(0, 550)) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_alignment.png :width: 400px """ spectrums = [to_spectrum(spectrum, **kwargs) for spectrum in spectrums] if normalize_peaks: for spectrum in spectrums: spectrum.normalize_peaks() if x_lim is None: x_lim = (min(spectrums[0].mz), max(spectrums[0].mz)) for spectrum in spectrums: x_lim = (min(x_lim[0], min(, max(x_lim[1], max( # calculating the colors # matches should be a list of matchings for each spectrum pairs, each matching is a list of tuples (index1, index2) colors = [dict() for i in range(len(spectrums))] if matches is None: # perform the alignment matches = [] if matches == 'default': matches = [] for i in range(len(spectrums) - 1): cosine, match = _cosine_fast(spectrums[i], spectrums[i+1], 0.1, ppm, True) matches.append(match) if len(matches) > 0 and len(matches) != len(spectrums) - 1: raise ValueError("Number of matches should be equal to the number of spectrums - 1") # in case there is only one match, accept it as both a list of tuples or a list of lists if len(matches) == 1: if type(matches[0][0]) == int: matches = [matches] flipped = False if "flipped" in kwargs: flipped = kwargs["flipped"] kwargs.pop("flipped") lines = [] for match_index, match in enumerate(matches): for pair in match: temp_color = 'blue' if is_shifted(spectrums[match_index].mz[pair[0]], spectrums[match_index+1].mz[pair[1]], ppm, None): temp_color = 'red' if pair[0] not in colors[match_index]: if match_index > 0: colors[match_index][pair[0]] = [None, temp_color] else: colors[match_index][pair[0]] = temp_color else: colors[match_index][pair[0]][1] = temp_color if pair[1] not in colors[match_index+1]: if match_index < len(spectrums) - 2: colors[match_index+1][pair[1]] = [temp_color, None] else: colors[match_index+1][pair[1]] = temp_color else: colors[match_index+1][pair[1]][0] = temp_color if draw_mapping_lines: if flipped and match_index == 0: lines.append([(match_index, spectrums[match_index].mz[pair[0]], 0), (match_index+1, spectrums[match_index+1].mz[pair[1]], 0), temp_color]) else: lines.append([(match_index, spectrums[match_index].mz[pair[0]], 0), (match_index+1, spectrums[match_index+1].mz[pair[1]], spectrums[match_index+1].intensity[pair[1]]), temp_color]) if size is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(spectrums), 1) else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(spectrums), 1, figsize=size) for index, spectrum in enumerate(spectrums): if len(spectrums) == 2 and index == 1: draw_spectrum(spectrum, output_type=axs[index], colors=colors[index], x_lim=x_lim, normalize_peaks=normalize_peaks, flipped=flipped, **kwargs) else: draw_spectrum(spectrum, output_type=axs[index], colors=colors[index], x_lim=x_lim, normalize_peaks=normalize_peaks, flipped=False, **kwargs) for line in lines: if "bar_width" in kwargs: bar_width = max(1, kwargs["bar_width"]//1.5) con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=(line[1][1], line[1][2]), xyB=(line[0][1], line[0][2]), coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=axs[line[1][0]], axesB=axs[line[0][0]], color=line[2], linestyle='dotted', linewidth=bar_width) else: con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=(line[1][1], line[1][2]), xyB=(line[0][1], line[0][2]), coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=axs[line[1][0]], axesB=axs[line[0][0]], color=line[2], linestyle='dotted') axs[line[1][0]].add_artist(con) # remove all extra paddings (but make sure the labels are not cut) if flipped and len(spectrums) == 2: # remove xtick labels axs[1].set_xticklabels([]) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0) else: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0) plt.tight_layout() if output_type == "png": alignment_bytes = BytesIO() fig.patch.set_alpha(0) # Set the figure patch alpha to 0 (fully transparent) fig.savefig(alignment_bytes, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True, dpi=dpi) plt.close(fig) # convert the image to numpy array img = mpimg.imread(alignment_bytes) return img elif output_type == "svg": fig.patch.set_alpha(0) fig.canvas.draw() buffer = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buffer, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True) svg ='utf-8') plt.close(fig) return svg else: return fig, axs
[docs]def draw_frag_of_molecule(mol, fragment, output_type='png', **kwargs): """ draws a fragment of the molecule. The fragment is represented by a binary string where 1 indicates the presence of the atom and 0 indicates the absence. Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit molecule Molecule to draw the fragment for fragment : int or list fragment represented in base 10 where in the binary representation 1 indicates the presence of the atom and 0 indicates the absence, or a list of atom indices output_type : str, optional (default='png') type of output (png or svg) kwargs : dict additional arguments for drawing the molecule in rdkit Returns ------- img : numpy array or str Examples ------- .. code-block:: python import modifinder.utilities.visualizer as mf_vis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from rdkit import Chem mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C') def mol_with_atom_index(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(atom.GetIdx()) return mol mol = mol_with_atom_index(mol) fragment = int("110111", 2) # Convert binary to decimal img = mf_vis.draw_frag_of_molecule(mol, fragment, output_type='png') plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') .. image:: ../_static/draw_frag_of_molecule.png :width: 300px """ mol = mu._get_molecule(mol) highlightAtoms = [] if isinstance(fragment, int): for i in range(0, mol.GetNumAtoms()): if fragment & (1 << i): highlightAtoms.append(i) elif isinstance(fragment, list): highlightAtoms = fragment kwargs['highlightAtoms'] = highlightAtoms img = draw_molecule(mol, output_type=output_type, **kwargs) return img
def _get_heat_map_colors(val): """ Get the heat map color based on an input value :param val: float - value between 0 and 1 """ if val == 0: return (val, 0.2*(1-val), (1-val), 0.4) else: return (0.95*val, 0.2*(1-val), (1-val), val*0.3 + 0.40) def _generate_heatmap_legend(img, scores, colors, image_width, image_height, legend_span, fontSize, output_type): """ Add legend to the image :param img: image :param scores: list of scores :param colors: dictionary of colors :param type: str - type of output (png or svg) """ steps = 100 if output_type == "png": legend_patch = np.zeros((legend_span, image_width, 4)) for i in range(0, steps): legend_patch[:, int(i*image_width/steps):int((i+1)*image_width/steps), :] = np.array([_get_heat_map_colors(i/steps)]*legend_span).reshape(legend_span, 1, 4) legend_patch[:,:,:] = legend_patch[:,:,:]*255 legend_image = Image.fromarray(legend_patch.astype(np.uint8), 'RGBA') # add legend text draw = ImageDraw.Draw(legend_image) path_of_this_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(path_of_this_file, "fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf"), fontSize) draw.text((5, legend_span//2), "Low likelihood", (255, 255, 255), font=font, anchor="lm") draw.text((image_width-5, legend_span//2), "high likelihood", (255, 255, 255), font=font, anchor="rm") legend_patch = np.array(legend_image) return legend_patch # # if image is in RGB format, convert it to RGBA # if img.max() <= 1: # img = (img*255).astype(np.uint8) # if img.shape[2] == 3: # img = np.concatenate((img, np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 1), dtype=np.uint8)*255), axis=2) # img = np.concatenate((img, legend_patch), axis=0) # return img else: svg = """<svg width="{}" height="{}" xmlns="">""".format(image_width, legend_span) rectWidth = image_width/steps rectHeight = legend_span for i in range(steps, -1, -1): color = _get_heat_map_colors(i/steps) svg += """<rect x="{}" y="{}" width="{}" height="{}" fill="rgba({}, {}, {}, {})"/>""".format(i*rectWidth, 0, rectWidth*1.01, rectHeight, color[0]*255, color[1]*255,color[2]*255, color[3]) svg += """<text x="{}" y="{}" font-size="{}px" fill="white">{}</text>""".format(5, int(legend_span*0.8), fontSize, "Low likelihood") text = "high likelihood" # add text to the right side svg += """<text x="{}" y="{}" font-size="{}px" fill="white" text-anchor="end">{}</text>""".format(image_width-5, int(legend_span*0.84), fontSize, text) svg += "</svg>" return svg def _generate_modification_legend(fontSize, output_type, modification_categories = ['Common', 'Added', 'Removed'], **kwargs): """ generate legend for image :param img: image :param type: str - type of output (png or svg) return: numpy array of the image """ colors = {'Common':(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7), 'Added':(0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.7), 'Removed':(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7)} if output_type == "png": fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1, 1)) # Plot the dummy data to create a legend for category in modification_categories: ax.plot([], [], color=colors[category], label=category, linewidth=fontSize//1.5) legend_location = (1, 1) legend = ax.legend(fontsize=fontSize, **kwargs, loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=legend_location) ax.axis('off') fig.patch.set_alpha(0) fig.canvas.draw() legend_bytes = BytesIO() fig.savefig(legend_bytes, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1, transparent=True) plt.close(fig) legend_image = legend_image = np.array(legend_image) return legend_image else: width = int(fontSize * 7 + 20) height = len(modification_categories) * fontSize + (len(modification_categories) - 1) * fontSize//2 + 10 + 10 svg = """<svg width="{}" height="{}" xmlns="">""".format(width, height) # draw dashed line around the border svg += """<rect x="0" y="0" width="{}" height="{}" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="5,5"/>""".format(width, height) for i, category in enumerate(modification_categories): color = colors[category] svg += """<rect x="10" y="{}" width="{}" height="{}" fill="rgba({}, {}, {}, {})"/>""".format(10 + i*((fontSize*3)//2), width - 20, fontSize, color[0]*255, color[1]*255, color[2]*255, color[3]) svg += """<text x="{}" y="{}" font-size="{}px" fill="black" text-anchor="middle">{}</text>""".format(width//2, 10 + i*((fontSize*3)//2) + int(fontSize*0.84), fontSize, category) svg += "</svg>" return svg def _overlay_legend(img, legend, position, output_type): """ Overlay the legend on the image :param img: image :param legend: image :param position: tuple - position of the legend :param output_type: str - type of output (png or svg) """ if output_type == "png": if img.max() <= 1: img = (img*255).astype(np.uint8) else: img = img.astype(np.uint8) img2 = Image.fromarray(img) legend = Image.fromarray(legend) # if position is not provided, place the legend at the bottom right corner if position is None: position = (max(0, img2.size[0] - legend.size[0]), max(img2.size[1] - legend.size[1], 0)) if type(position) != tuple: raise ValueError("Position should be a tuple") size = (max(img2.size[0], legend.size[0] + position[0]), max(img2.size[1], legend.size[1] + position[1] )) combined_image ="RGBA", size, img2.getpixel((0, 0))) combined_image.paste(img2, (0, 0)) combined_image.paste(legend, position, legend) return np.array(combined_image) else: trimmed_img = img.split("</svg>")[0] # find first > and trim the legend first_gt = legend.find(">") trimmed_legend = legend[first_gt+1:] # add the legend img_size ='width="(\d+)" height="(\d+)"', img) legend_size ='width="(\d+)" height="(\d+)"', legend) if position is None: position = (max(0, img_size[0] - legend_size[0]), max(img_size[1] - legend_size[1], 0)) if type(position) is not tuple: raise ValueError("Position should be a tuple") # get all the x+ and y+ values and add the position to them x_values = re.findall(r'x="(\d+)"', trimmed_legend) y_values = re.findall(r'y="(\d+)"', trimmed_legend) x_values = [int(x) + position[0] for x in x_values] y_values = [int(y) + position[1] for y in y_values] trimmed_legend = re.sub(r'x="(\d+)"', lambda x: f'x="{x_values.pop(0)}"', trimmed_legend) trimmed_legend = re.sub(r'y="(\d+)"', lambda x: f'y="{y_values.pop(0)}"', trimmed_legend) svg = trimmed_img + trimmed_legend return svg def _cname2hex(cname): colors = dict(mpl.colors.BASE_COLORS, **mpl.colors.CSS4_COLORS) # dictionary. key: names, values: hex codes try: hex = colors[cname] return hex except KeyError: print(cname, ' is not registered as default colors by matplotlib!') return None def _hex2rgb(hex, normalize=False): h = hex.strip('#') rgb = np.asarray(list(int(h[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))) return rgb def _handle_color(color): if type(color) == str: if color[0] == '#': return _hex2rgb(color) else: return _hex2rgb(_cname2hex(color)) else: return color
[docs]def return_public_functions(): """ Return the public functions of the module """ return { "draw_molecule": draw_molecule, "draw_modifications": draw_modifications, "draw_molecule_heatmap": draw_molecule_heatmap, "draw_spectrum": draw_spectrum, "draw_alignment": draw_alignment, "draw_frag_of_molecule": draw_frag_of_molecule }