from modifinder.engines.Abtracts import EvaluationEngine
from rdkit import Chem
from modifinder import exceptions
import modifinder.utilities.mol_utils as mf_mu
import numpy as np
def is_max(G, probabilities, true_index):
if probabilities[true_index] == max(probabilities):
# find how many times the max value appears
count = 0
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
if probabilities[i] == max(probabilities):
count += 1
return 1/count
return 0
def dist_from_max(G, probabilities, true_index):
min_dist = 100000
max_val = max(probabilities)
graph_diameter = np.amax(G)
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
if probabilities[i] == max_val:
min_dist = min(min_dist, G[true_index, i])
return float(min_dist/(graph_diameter))
def proximity(G, probabilities, true_index):
min_dist = 100000
max_val = max(probabilities)
graph_diameter = np.amax(G)
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
if probabilities[i] == max_val:
min_dist = min(min_dist, G[true_index, i])
return (graph_diameter - min_dist)/graph_diameter
def average_dist_from_max(G, probabilities, true_index):
max_val = max(probabilities)
graph_diameter = np.amax(G)
dists = 0
count = 0
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
if probabilities[i] == max_val:
value = G[true_index,i]/(graph_diameter)
dists += value * probabilities[i]
count += probabilities[i]
if count == 0:
return 0
return float(dists/count)
def average_distance(G, probabilities, true_index):
eps = 0.000001
graph_diameter = np.amax(G)
dists = 0
count = 0
for i in range(len(probabilities)):
value = np.exp(-G[true_index, i]/(graph_diameter-G[true_index, i]+eps))
# value = (graph_diameter - G[true_index, i])/graph_diameter
dists += value * probabilities[i]
count += probabilities[i]
if count == 0:
return 0
return float(dists/count)
def ranking_loss(G, probabilities, modificationSiteIdx):
# find how far the index of the true modification site is from the max probability
# sort the probabilities and keep the indices
sorted_indices = np.argsort(probabilities)
# reverse the indices
sorted_indices = sorted_indices[::-1]
# find the index of the true modification site
true_index = np.where(sorted_indices == modificationSiteIdx)[0][0]
# return the ranking loss
return 1 - true_index/len(probabilities)
def sorted_rank(G, probabilities, modificationSiteIdx):
# find how far the index of the true modification site is from the max probability
# sort the probabilities and keep the indices
sorted_indices = np.argsort(probabilities)
# find the index of the true modification site
true_index = np.where(sorted_indices == modificationSiteIdx)[0][0]
# return the ranking loss
return true_index/(len(probabilities)-1)
[docs]class BasicEvaluationEngine(EvaluationEngine):
"""Class to evaluate the probabilities based on the basic evaluation engines explained in the paper
default_method : str or None (default = "average_distance")
The default evaluation method to use. If None, the user must specify the method.
List of methods:
- **is_max** : returns 1 if the true modification site is the atom with the highest probability, 0 otherwise
- **proximity** : returns the proximity to the atom with the highest probability
- **average_distance** : returns the average distance to the atom with the highest probability normalized by the graph diameter
- **sorted_rank** : returns the rank of the true modification site in the sorted probabilities
kwargs : dict
Additional arguments.
def __init__(self, default_method = "average_distance", **kwargs):
"""Initializes the BasicEvaluationEngine
self.default_method = default_method
# TODO: Implement the evaluate method
[docs] def evaluate(self, network, **kwargs):
"""Evaluates the network.
.. warning::
Not implemented yet.
network : type
Description of the `network` parameter.
Additional keyword arguments.
raise exceptions.ModiFinderNotImplementedError("Method not implemented")
[docs] def evaluate_single(self, known_compound_structure, unknonwn_compound_structure, probabilities, evaluation_method = None, **kwargs) -> float:
""" Evaluates the probabilities based on the evaluation method
known_compound_structure : rdkit Chem.Mol
The known compound structure
unknonwn_compound_structure : rdkit Chem.Mol
The unknown compound structure
probabilities : List[float]
The probabilities of each atom being the modification site
evaluation_method : str
The evaluation method to use. If None, the default method will be used.
kwargs : dict
additional arguments
The evaluation score based on the evaluation method. The score is between 0 and 1.
method = evaluation_method if evaluation_method else self.default_method
G = Chem.rdmolops.GetDistanceMatrix(known_compound_structure)
true_modification_site = mf_mu.get_modification_nodes(known_compound_structure, unknonwn_compound_structure)
if len(true_modification_site) != 1:
raise exceptions.ModiFinderError("Only one modification site is allowed for this evaluation method")
true_index = true_modification_site[0]
if method == "is_max":
return is_max(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "dist_from_max":
return dist_from_max(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "proximity":
return proximity(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "average_dist_from_max":
return average_dist_from_max(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "average_distance":
return average_distance(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "ranking_loss":
return ranking_loss(G, probabilities, true_index)
elif method == "sorted_rank":
return sorted_rank(G, probabilities, true_index)
raise exceptions.ModiFinderError("Evaluation method not recognized")