from modifinder.engines.Abtracts import AnnotationEngine
from modifinder.classes.Compound import Compound
from modifinder.classes.EdgeDetail import EdgeDetail, MatchType
from typing import List, Tuple
from modifinder.engines.annotation.magma import (
rdkit_engine as rdkit_engine,
from modifinder.utilities.general_utils import mims, is_submolecule
from modifinder.utilities.mol_utils import get_modification_nodes
import networkx as nx
from rdkit import Chem
from msbuddy import assign_subformula
[docs]class MAGMaAnnotationEngine(AnnotationEngine):
def __init__(self, breaks = 2, max_water_losses = 2, ionisation_mode = 0, mz_tolerance = 0.1, ppm_tolerance = 40, **kwargs):
Initializes the MAGMa annotation engine
:kwargs: additional arguments
self.breaks = breaks
self.max_water_losses = max_water_losses
self.ionisation_mode = ionisation_mode
self.mz_tolerance = mz_tolerance
self.ppm_tolerance = ppm_tolerance
self.args = kwargs
[docs] def annotate(self, network: nx.DiGraph, annotate_all: bool = False, **kwargs):
Annotates the network using the MAGMa model
:network (Network): the network to be annotated
:annotate_all (bool): whether to annotate all compounds or only the ones that have not been annotated yet
:kwargs: additional arguments
for node in network.nodes:
compound = network.nodes[node]["compound"]
if compound is not None and compound.is_known:
if annotate_all or (compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map is None or len(compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map) == 0):
self.annotate_single(compound, modify_compound=True, **kwargs)
# refine by helpers
for edge in network.edges:
edge_detail = network.edges[edge]["edgedetail"]
if edge_detail is not None:
first_compound = network.nodes[edge[0]]["compound"]
second_compound = network.nodes[edge[1]]["compound"]
if first_compound.is_known and second_compound.is_known:
self.refine_annotations_by_helper(network.nodes[edge[0]]["compound"], network.nodes[edge[1]]["compound"], edge_detail, modify_compound = True)
self.refine_annotations_by_helper(network.nodes[edge[1]]["compound"], network.nodes[edge[0]]["compound"], edge_detail, modify_compound = True)
except Exception as e:
[docs] def annotate_single(
self, compound: Compound, modify_compound: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> List[Tuple[int, List[str]]]:
provides annotation for the peaks in a single compound
:compound (Compound): the compound to be annotated
:modify_compound (bool): whether to modify the passed compound with the annotations
:kwargs: additional arguments
:Mapping[int, List[str]]: a dictionary with the indices of the peaks as keys and the list of annotations as values
if "breaks" not in kwargs:
kwargs["breaks"] = self.breaks
if "mz_tolerance" not in kwargs:
kwargs["mz_tolerance"] = self.mz_tolerance
if "ppm_tolerance" not in kwargs:
kwargs["ppm_tolerance"] = self.ppm_tolerance
for item in ["breaks", "mz_tolerance", "ppm_tolerance"]:
if item not in kwargs or kwargs[item] is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Missing parameters for MAGMa annotation engine {item}"
fragmentation_instance = fragmentation_py.FragmentEngine(
compound.structure, kwargs["breaks"], max_water_losses=self.max_water_losses, ionisation_mode=self.ionisation_mode, skip_fragmentation=False, molcharge=compound.spectrum.precursor_charge
# generate peak to fragment map
base_precision = 1 + kwargs["ppm_tolerance"] / 1000000
peak_fragments_map = [set() for i in range(len(]
for i in range(len(
search_weight =[i] - compound.spectrum.adduct_mass
annotations = fragmentation_instance.find_fragments(
search_weight, 0.1, base_precision, kwargs["mz_tolerance"]
for annotation in annotations:
# refine by formula
# peak_fragments_map = self.refine_annotations_by_formula(compound, peak_fragments_map, modify_compound = False)
if modify_compound:
compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map = peak_fragments_map
return peak_fragments_map
[docs] def get_fragment_info(self, Compound: Compound, fragment):
converts a fragment to a SMILES string
Compound (Compound): the compound
fragment: the fragment representation
tuple(atomlist -> List[int], edge_list -> List[Tuple[int, int]], formula -> str, smiles -> str): a tuple containing the atom list, the edge list, the formula and the SMILES string
atomstring = ""
atomlist = []
edgeList = []
elements = dict([(e, 0) for e in mims.keys()])
natoms = Compound.structure.GetNumAtoms()
for atom in range(natoms):
if 1 << atom & fragment:
atomstring += "," + str(atom)
elements[rdkit_engine.GetAtomSymbol(Compound.structure, atom)] += 1
elements["H"] += rdkit_engine.GetAtomHs(Compound.structure, atom)
for bond in Compound.structure.GetBonds():
if bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() in atomlist and bond.GetEndAtomIdx() in atomlist:
edgeList.append((bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()))
formula = ""
for el in mims.keys():
nel = elements[el]
if nel > 0:
formula += el
if nel > 1:
formula += str(nel)
return (
rdkit_engine.FragmentToSmiles(Compound.structure, atomlist),
[docs] def refine_annotations_by_helper(self, main_compound: Compound, helper_compound: Compound, edgeDetail: EdgeDetail, modify_compound: bool = True):
Refines the annotations of a compound by using the helper compound
if not modify_compound:
main_compound = main_compound.copy()
if helper_compound.exact_mass < main_compound.exact_mass:
modification_site = get_modification_nodes(main_compound.structure, helper_compound.structure, True)
shifted_peaks = [match.second_peak_index for match in edgeDetail.matches if match.match_type == MatchType.shifted]
sub_match_indices = main_compound.structure.GetSubstructMatch(helper_compound.structure)
mapping = dict()
for i, atom in enumerate(sub_match_indices):
mapping[i] = atom
unshifted = [(match.second_peak_index, match.first_peak_index) for match in edgeDetail.matches if match.match_type == MatchType.unshifted]
modification_site = get_modification_nodes(helper_compound.structure, main_compound.structure, False)
shifted_peaks = [match.first_peak_index for match in edgeDetail.matches if match.match_type == MatchType.shifted]
sub_match_indices = helper_compound.structure.GetSubstructMatch(main_compound.structure)
mapping = dict()
for i, atom in enumerate(sub_match_indices):
mapping[atom] = i
unshifted = [(match.first_peak_index, match.second_peak_index) for match in edgeDetail.matches if match.match_type == MatchType.unshifted]
main_compound.filter_fragments_by_atoms(modification_site, shifted_peaks)
# filter unshifted peaks by intersection
for peak in unshifted:
helper_peak_fragment_map = set()
for fragment in helper_compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map[peak[1]]:
new_fragment = 0
for i in range(len(helper_compound.structure.GetAtoms())):
if 1 << i & fragment:
if i not in mapping:
new_fragment = -1
new_fragment += 1 << mapping[i]
if new_fragment != -1:
main_compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map[peak[0]] = main_compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map[peak[0]].intersection(helper_peak_fragment_map)
return main_compound.spectrum.peak_fragments_map