GNPS2 Workflow Development
Overview of GNPS2 Workflow Development¶
Here is the template for GNPS2 Workflows, it provides boiler plate for NextFlow and the accompanying yaml files for input and display. There are several distinct steps that we would recommend:
- Make a new repository for the GNPS2 workflow that uses this template
- Make sure you can run the template by having conda and nextflow installed
- Run the test with
make run
- Once your workflow is how you like it in nextflow, you can hook everything up with the workflowinput.yaml file to define the input form. The specifics on each thing are below
- Update the workflow name so it is unique to your workflow in workflowinput.yaml
- Update the workflow name for results in workflowresults.yaml
- To deploy to Dev GNPS2 instance, send Ming your preferred username and public ssh key
- Prep deployment environment
- Deploy to GNPS2 Dev instance, see below on how to do that
Defining GNPS2 Workflow Input YAML¶
For each workflow, there is a yml file called: workflowinput.yaml. It requires the following items:
workflowname: classic_networking
workflowdescription: LC - Classical Molecular Networking
workflowlongdescription: Molecular networks ...
workflowversion: "0.1"
workflowautohide: false
adminonly: true
Workflow Input Parameters¶
Text Entry
- displayname: Precursor Ion Tolerance
paramtype: text
nf_paramname: precursor_mass_tolerance
formplaceholder: Enter the Precursor Ion Tolerance
formvalue: "2.0"
tooltip: "Lorem Ipsum"
Text Area
- displayname: USI Entry
paramtype: textarea
nf_paramname: usi_field
formplaceholder: Enter USIs
formvalue: ""
rows: 4
cols: 50
Drop Down List
- displayname: Network Generation Mode
paramtype: select
nf_paramname: cosinemode
formvalue: fast
- value: python
display: python
- value: fast
display: fast
options-from-file: options.csv
value-key: "name"
display-key: "name"
Multiple Selection Checkboxes
- displayname: Test Checkbox Selection
paramtype: select_checkbox
nf_paramname: test_checkbox
formvalue: optiona
- value: optiona
display: optiona
- value: optionb
display: optionb
NOTE: For options-from-url, the API expects to return in json format, a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary will have the same keys, and the users can specify the value and display for the keys in the dropdown.
Section Header
- displayname: Advanced Network Options
paramtype: section
File Selector
- displayname: Metadata Path
paramtype: fileselector
nf_paramname: metadata_filename
formplaceholder: Enter the path to metadata
formvalue: ""
targettaskfolder: metadata_folder
optional: true
selectsinglefile: false
folderunroll: true
linkdata: true
- optional means that if nothing is selected, it will default the nextflow argument to NO_FILE
- selectsinglefile means that it will take the first selected file as the nextflow argument rather than the whole folder
- folderunroll means that we will file all the leaf files and symlink them into the target folder, false means we will simply link the select file or folder as is
- linkdata means that any linking will happen, by default on, but can turn off in cases where we simply want to specify files and not actually do anything with it beyond the name.
- targettaskfolder is the folder where you put the data on the server
Workflow Display Parameters¶
Pure Java Script Client Side Tables
- name: Results
displayname: Results
viewname: results
displaytype: datatable
filename: library/results.tsv
error_missingfile: "No File"
- title: "Visualize"
- title: "SpecFile"
data: filename
columnDefs: '[ {"targets": 0,"data": null,"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return `
<a target="_blank" href="${task}-input_file_folder/${row["filename"]}:scan:${row["scan1"]}">View Spectrum</a>
Serverside Tables (Medium Sized)
- name: Results
displayname: Results
viewname: results
displaytype: datatable_server
filename: library/results.tsv
error_missingfile: "No File"
- title: "Visualize"
- title: "SpecFile"
data: filename
columnDefs: '[ {"targets": 0,"data": null,"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return `
<a target="_blank" href="${task}-input_file_folder/${row["filename"]}:scan:${row["scan1"]}">View Spectrum</a>
Serverside Tables (Large Sized - GB+ Size)
- name: Results
displayname: Results
viewname: results
displaytype: datatable_serverbig
filename: library/results.tsv
error_missingfile: "No File"
- title: "Visualize"
- title: "SpecFile"
data: filename
columnDefs: '[ {"targets": 0,"data": null,"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return `
<img src="${row["smiles"]}"/>
- name: Downstream Analysis - Run Analysis
displayname: Downstream Analysis - Run Analysis
viewname: downstreamworkflow
displaytype: linkout
baseurl: /workflowinput
- workflowname:reanalysis_workflow
- input_spectra:TASKLOCATION/[task]/input_spectra
- description:Downstream from [task] Molecular Networking
- name: Visualize Heatmap
displayname: Visualize Heatmap
viewname: visualizeheatmap
displaytype: linkout
baseurl: /taskresult/[task]/file/nf_output/output.html
- attachment:no
Here if we want to use the task params in the linkout, simply use the syntax
Download Files
- name: Download PCoA
displayname: Download PCoA
viewname: poca
displaytype: download
filename: pcoa/pcoa.qzv
Section Division
- name: section
displayname: Summary Views
viewname: section
displaytype: section
Display Widgets¶
We can have little widgets to render in the table rows. To make them, you overwrite the columnDefs key. Here are a few examples.
Spectrum Resolver Linkouts
'[ {"targets": 0,"data": null,"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return `
<a target="_blank" href="${task}-input_file_folder/${row["filename"]}:scan:${row["scan1"]}">View Spectrum</a>
Structure Display
'[ {"targets": 0,"data": null,"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return `
<img src="${row["smiles"]}"/>